Autonomous System

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Table of Contents

<Top level summary, most common definition for autonomous system>


<Summary of the history of the term - how the definition has changed over time>

  • Where was this first used? Who coined the term or started naming them like that?
  • Was it called differently before?

Contextual Uses

<Description of the different contexts this term is used in>

  • E.g. ISO standards
  • IEEE dictionary

Robotics: IEEE Standards Dictionary

This context draws from standards and published definitions in the physically-embodied robotics community, as distinct from the computer science community or the artificial intelligence community.

  • IEEE Standard 7001-2021
    A system that has the capacity to make decisions itself in response to some input data or stimulus with a varying degree of human oversight or intervention depending on the system’s level of autonomy.

Artificial Intelligence: IEEE Standards Dictionary

This context draws from standards and published definitions in the artificial intelligence community, as distinct from the computer science community or the physically-embodied robotics community.

  • IEEE Standard 7010-2021
    A semi-autonomous or autonomous computer-controlled system programmed to carry out some task with or without limited human intervention capable of decision making by independent inference and successfully adapting to its context. An example is an A/IS that refers to a computer system instantiated in a product or service. NOTE—

For the purposes of IEEE Std 7010, A/IS encompasses AI and information systems (IS).

Definitions that are NOT relevant to this BOK

  • Other random definitions that are outside the scope of VAS like autonomy
  • e.g. don't confuse robotics and automation with RPA (scripts to automate paperwork)


  • Computing Security Resource Center (NIST)
    One or more routers under a single administration operating the same routing policy.
    An Autonomous System specifies a network, mostly an organization that can own or announce network addresses to the Internet.
    [IEEE Standards Dictionary]