Blog Questions
This is the list of questions the blog post contributors are working from - if you need an idea for a blog post and nothing in the comments or the terminology discussions or the rest of the internet is helping, pick a question and try to answer it!
- What is the biggest gap in robotics research?
- In robotics education?
- In the robotics industry?
- In robotics as a whole?
- What critical element or elements are funding agencies ignoring or failing to support and why is it (or are they) critical?
- What element or elements are politicians ignoring?
- What technique or capability is missing from the robotics community?
- What would drive robotics to faster progress in research?
- What would drive faster progress in the robotics industry?
- What elements are conspicuously missing from the robotics industry?
- Should we be trying to establish robotics as a discipline in its own right rather than an interdisciplinary field of study?
- If we should be supporting the development of robotics as a field of study, what are the immediate roadblocks?
- What are the long term, more structural aspects preventing it?
- What should be included in this new field?
- What should be excluded?
- What are the critical foundations of robotics?
- Should it be called Robotics Science, or Robotics Engineering, or neither? Why or why not?
- What are the boundaries of robotics as a discipline?
- What do non-roboticists find hard to grasp?
- How do we deal with the experiment replication problem?
- Are competitions the answer?
- An answer?
- Not a very good answer?
- Only an answer to part of the problem?
- Define a contribution unique to robotics.
- What are the Laws of Robotics (if any)?
- What kind(s) of infrastructure or tools do we need?